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Metadata extraction

RAW conversion

Aberration correction

Distortion Correction

Photogrammetry ready

Olga Filippova, Open Hardware Cameras, ©Elphel, Inc. 2012 Content available under GNU FDLv1.3, ECE/CS 3991 University of Utah


How do we get to high resolution panoramic images from the images we take with the camera?

The camera is calibrated for aberrations and distortions of the lenses. The result of aberration correction allows us to increase sharpness selectively in certain areas, like in this example the small, far away letters on the building are sharpened.

To be able to get sharp images and automatically stitch them into panoramas, preserving the object's geometrical properties we need to make following steps in image post-processing:

Metadata extraction (including GPS data, exposure, timestamps;)

RAW conversion (Jp4 to Jpeg) Jp4 is designed to preserve information after compression

Aberration correction

Distortion Correction

Precise Aberration and distortion corrections make camera photogrammetry ready