
Load extra models

3D Scene + Map

3D navigation

mouse left button look around
mouse right button move camera forward/backward
mouse wheel (scroll)
  • change field of view (= camera focal length)
mouse wheel (drag)
  • move camera over its XY (= parallel shift)
r-key reset view (heading = initial, tilt = 0, roll = 0)
t-key reset view (heading = initial, tilt = initial, roll = 0)

Comparing 3D model and Map (satellite imagery) measurements

Update measurements:


ctrl + left click
  • create markers, relative height = 0
  • remove markers
draggable objects (global XZ)
  • markers
  • camera base (green)
  • heading crosshair (white)


ctrl + left click
  • create marker, relative height = surface hitting point height
  • remove marker
draggable objects (stick to surfaces)
  • markers only