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Applications: Line-Scan

Applications: Line-Scan

For River Panoramas, made by Michael Aschauer


Line-scan is an image acquisition method that continuously samples (sensor) lines into a composite image.

Applications of these line-scan method include industrial surface scanning, photo-finish, rotating panorama cameras, aerial imaginary, the arts and many more.

The current 5Mpix Aptina CMOS sensor (width: 2536px)allows a sample rate of approx. 2300 lines per second – or a line rate of 2.3 kHz (as it seems to be measured in dedicated line-scan cameras).

In photo-finish mode the camera samples just lines and delivers composite images as video frames via RTSP network stream or directly to a hard-disc. Programming the camera into line-scan mode is as simple as setting PH_HEIGHT to the desired line height (in pixel):


Due to the Bayer pattern of the sensor the minimal sample height is 2 lines.

Maximum width of the composite frame is 16384px